Friday, January 9, 2015

Globalization, Future of Work, Digital Transformation and You

I have the unique opportunity to work as a futurist and technology analyst.  What does that mean?  It means I get to spend time with very smart people, researching, collecting data, analyzing it and writing about technology and its impact on people, businesses, societies and economies.

As a result of many discussions with technology and industry leaders and my own research, it is my firm belief that it has never been more important to engage in a lifelong pursuit of education and skills development. Education is not something you complete, rather it is a life long activity - a lifestyle.  Technology innovations, fast changing business models, transforming economies and evolving markets mean it is highly likely you will have multiple careers, with different companies and in different industries during your working life.  In order to enter and remain in the economic winners' column you will need to constantly prepare and train to compete for new career and emerging business opportunities.

I understand that many people don't like change, and many more would rather not invest in continual education.  Change is often uncomfortable, stressful and distracts from more pleasant pursuits.  I share many of those feelings, but those feelings don't change reality.  The blustery winds of change are  in the air, and they forewarn of global economic transformation and turmoil.  Transformations that can open up many doors to opportunities for those prepared, but pummel those that are not.  There will always be winners and losers in a competition, and the global economy is most definitely a competition.  In a global economy with finite resources and jobs, the winners will be those prepared and with the best playbook to compete at the highest level.

Today entire industries are emerging, while others are disappearing.  Everything is in motion.  Workers must recognize this as the new norm, not an exception.  Jobs, markets, companies and careers are temporary.  Competition for jobs is not a local competition, but a global competition.  Factories, service companies, retail stores, call centers and businesses of all kinds are competing for business against companies in the Philippines, Malaysia, China, India and in many other regions.  Your skills, work ethics and education, and those of your peers, are constantly being considered and compared with other competitors in the global work force.

It is important to think globally today.  Jobs, careers, opportunities and competition are global.  This is great news for those educated, trained and mobile, but a real challenge for those that are not.  In a relatively free and capitalistic global economy you are able to compete for business and jobs globally. Your skills can now be marketed, sold and utilized in a far bigger market.  Your opportunities to make money are greatly expanded. There are far more employment and business opportunities to consider, but the numbers of competitors are also greater.  This is welcome news if you are prepared to compete, but discouraging if you are not.

College graduates must recognize this new reality and plan accordingly. The financial plans and career strategies of your parents are no longer applicable.  Careers and incomes will likely be far more volatile thus requiring one to save more and spend less.  Workers need to constantly monitor industry trends and job markets and be prepared to move and retrain to remain competitive.  

In the past your employer managed your career, in the new reality you must "own" the management and development of your career.  You must hone your skills, share your knowledge, and build your personal and career networks.  Never before in history has the ability to write and communicate been more important.  In a digital age, your reputation and presence will be framed by your ability to effectively represent your knowledge, skills and character using digital ink.

Many have scoffed at social networking as a waste of time, or even worst a narcissistic pursuit, but your ability to both discover, and compete for emerging employment and business opportunities in the future may be directly determined by your skills, proficiencies and investments in these areas.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Prayer for the Mornings

May you feel you are in the right place, at the right time, in the right frame of mind.  May you awake in the morning feeling thankful, energized and excited to fulfill your God ordained purpose in life.  May you notice the moments around you everyday where you can make a difference.  May you leave regrets behind and carry only opportunities and possibilities forward. May you feel secure and joy filled in the presence of God.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Seconds Chances

In a time when many are thinking about changes they want to make for the new year, what if instead we changed for only a second, rather than a day, week, month or year  What if we dedicated a second each hour to a beautiful thought, a compliment, forgiving someone or sharing a word of kindness and encouragement?  What if we gave seconds chances to change us?

Many people's lives have been changed in a second. The second they saw their future husband or wife, the second their child was born, the last breathe of a loved one, the second they committed to a cause, or the second they looked into the eyes of mortality. The second they knew there was more to life than just pleasing oneself.